Directed Attention Fatigue and Restoration

Look for Signs of Improvement
One good way to begin the process of restoration from Directed Attention Fatigue by looking at your destination.

It is much easier to know you are heading toward your goal when you know how the goal looks. Your search for restoration starts with learning how to spot signs of improvement in yourself—and others. Eyes on the prize.

So rev up your mental search engines, and fix your search images firmly in mind.

Some signs that show you are heading toward your restorative goals:
•You might feel less distractible.
•You might feel less overwhelmed.
•You might feel less forgetful.
•You might feel less irritable.
•You might feel more comfortable and competent with people.
•You might make less mistakes, have fewer accidents.
•You might find it easier to make and carry out plans.
•You might become more creative.
•You might find that people tell you that you aren’t acting so distracted.
•You might just feel better.

Most importantly, you should not start feeling worse!

You should definitely, totally, really not feel worse! Occasional bad days are one thing, but any steady decline is a sign that your current path is not working, and it’s time to change tracks.

You’ve already got enough pain.

And it is certainly possible to make gains without more pain, thank you.

Of course, if you feel really bad, you know you can seek help from a therapist, doctor, counselor, friend. Or dog. Or cat. Whoever you trust most, and has helped in the past.


Cimprich B. (1993) Development of an intervention to restore attention in cancer patients. Cancer Nurs. 1993 Apr;16(2):83-92.

Kaplan, S. and R. Kaplan (1982). Cognition and Environment. New York: Praeger. Republished 1989 by Ulrich’s, Ann Arbor, MI.

Kuo, F. E. Kuo and A. Faber Taylor, (2004) A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence From a National Study, Am J Public Health, September 1, 2004; 94(9): 1580 - 1586

O'Hanlon, Bill, Do One Thing Different


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